Sunday, April 24, 2022, 11 a.m. — Sharing Circle—Each in Turn
Circle to be held on Zoom*
Using a virtual “talking stick” each person can speak in turn on whatever is in their hearts or minds to share with others whatever is relevant to them in the moment. The Talking Stick historically, is an instrument of aboriginal democracy used by many tribes on many continents. Different tribes sometimes use different symbolic objects instead of a stick. The special object is passed around the group, allowing each person to speak in turn on whatever is in their hearts or minds. We will utilize a similar approach and process, given the limitations of Zoom for object passing. Take a moment to choose an object close to your heart which you can hold in your hand (a favorite stone or ring or memento) while you are speaking – if you so choose!
*For information on how to join us, please complete our contact form at unless you are already on our weekly email list.