Leadership Directory

The UCOT Board of Trustees meets at least monthly. Any Congregation member is welcome to attend a meeting or ask to have an item put on the agenda. Please contact any Board Member for details about the time and location of the next meeting. 

  • Emily Gillispie, President
  • Mimi Owensby, Vice-President
  • Be Scott, Treasurer
  • Annette Rubin, Secretary
  • Chuck Fawns, Board Member

For questions about Congregation activities other than those of the Board, here are the people to get in touch with:

  • Patsy Scott, Caring Community
  • Rachel Cohen, Publicity
  • Wally Cox, Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
  • Mimi Owensby, Charitable Giving Committee and Sharing Circles
  • Meredee Vaughn, Dinners for Six
  • Sara Sautter, Membership and Connections Committee, UCOT Book Group, and UCOT Women’s Luncheon
  • Chuck Fawns, Men’s Group